
Mingyuan Lin

PhD Candidate

Electronic Information School, WHU

I am currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree working closely with Prof. Lei Yu and Prof. Chu He at Wuhan University. Prior to this, I received my B.E. degree from the Electronic Information School of Wuhan University in 2020.

My research mainly focuses on stereo matching, image rectification, spatial-temporal super-resolution, and 3D reconstruction. I am also interested in low-level geometric problems (e.g. structure from motion, SLAM), image restoration tasks (e.g. deblurring) and rolling shutter camera.


  • M.E. in Information and Communication Engineering

    Sep 2020 - Jun 2023

    Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, China

  • B.E. in Communication Engineering

    Sep 2016 - Jun 2020

    Wuhan University, Wuhan, China


  • CrossZoom: Simultaneous Motion Deblurring and Event Super-Resolving

    Chi Zhang, Xiang Zhang, Mingyuan Lin, Cheng Li, Chu He, Wen Yang, Gui-Song Xia, and Lei Yu

    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024.

    [ Paper ] [ Website ]

  • Video Frame Interpolation with Stereo Event and Intensity Cameras

    Chao Ding, Mingyuan Lin, Haijian Zhang, Jianzhuang Liu, and Lei Yu

    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024.

    [ Paper ] [ Website ]

  • Unsupervised Deep Homography with Multi-scale Global Attention

    Wei Hu, Chu He, Mingyuan Lin, and Haoyu Zhou

    IET Image Processing, 2023.

    [ Paper ]

  • Image Stitching by Disparity-guided Multi-plane Alignment

    Mingyuan Lin, Tangbo Liu, Ying Li, Xinpeng Miao, and Chu He

    Signal Processing, 2022.

    [ Paper ]

  • Automatic Pavement Crack Detection Using HMRF-EM Algorithm

    Mingyuan Lin, Rundi Zhou, Qing Yan, and Xin Xu

    in International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), 2019.

    [ Paper ]

  • Three-dimensional Pavement Disease Detection based on Three components Decomposition and TUFF Algorithm

    Rundi Zhou, Mingyuan Lin, Yuhao Xia, and Xuegang Shi

    in IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP), 2019.

    [ Paper ]

Awards & Honors

  • 2-nd Prize, China Graduate Electronics Design Contest, 2022
  • First Class, Graduate Student Scholarship of Wuhan University, 2022
  • Excellent Award, Project of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training for Undergraduates, 2019
  • Outstanding Student Scholarship of Wuhan University, 2018, 2019


  • Conference Review: ECCV2024, ICME2024